2019-10-19 17:22 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心  来自:未知 
导读:理解度提升第一步:去看绿树 先看introduction,再看阅读问题题干,然后回到原文阅读。 我们拿到阅读文章,不管是什么题材,我们要先看一下 introduction,比如: This passage is adapted from Jan Delhey and Christian Kroll, A Happiness Test for the N



我们拿到阅读文章,不管是什么题材,我们要先看一下 introduction,比如:

This passage is adapted from Jan Delhey and Christian Kroll, “A ‘Happiness Test’ for the New Measures of National WellBeing: How Much Better than GDP Are They?” ©2012 by WZB Berlin Social Science Center.


1.The authors’ central claim in the passage is that ……

2.In the first paragraph, the reference to Simon Kuznets mainly serves to ……

3.As used in line 8, “prominent” most nearly means ……

4.The authors imply that the “first group of initiatives” would primarily ……

5.Which choice provides the best evidence  for the answer to the previous question?

6.As used in line 33, “figure” most nearly means ……

7.It can be inferred that the alternative approach to measuring happiness that is most different from the current approach is based on the belief that ……

8.Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?

9.According to the graph, the region with the fourth-lowest HPI score is……

10.Based on the passage, which of the following is most likely to contribute to South America’s HPI ranking?

11.The greatest number of geographic regions have an HPI score in which range?

4、5、7、8 题可以定位到原文的某一文段。

在看完 introduction 和题干之后,心里就大概有些有底了,了解文章大概是讲什么的,之后就可以回到原文进行阅读,在阅读过程中可以有目的地捕捉一些关键词,积极主动的进行联想。


在进行理解度提升的第二步的过程中,我们的主要目的是要看整篇文章,各段在文章中的 function 是什么,也就是说段落的功能是什么?起到什么样的作用?是引入还是详细说明。

在这里就要抓住每段的主题句,归纳出中心思想,用 6个词概括 main idea。另外一方面就是对衔接词进行处理,理清文章框架。

例如可汗官网SAT阅读题 A ‘Happiness Test’ for the New Measures of National WellBeing 第 20行, 35行, 53行:

第 20行:The first group of initiatives tries to deal with the…

第35行:The second group of measures moves further away from…

第53行:The most radical departure from the GDP is embodied by the third group of measures






可汗官网SAT阅读题,Eat (less) to Live (longer), 第30 -38行:

The researchers determined from cultures of human embryonic kidney cells that lower caloric intake sends a signal that activates a gene inside cells that codes for the enzyme NAMPT (nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase ). The two- to four- fold surge in NAMPT in turn triggers the production of a molecule called NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which plays a key role in cellular metabolism and signaling.


可汗官网SAT阅读题, Eat (less) to Live (longer),第 7 – 10行。

Researchers report in the journal Cell that the phenomenon is likely linked to two enzymes—SIRT3 and SIRT4—in mitochondria (the cell's powerhouse that, among other tasks, converts nutrients to energy).


可汗官网SAT阅读题,Eat (less) to Live (longer), 第45-48行。

SIRT3 and SIRT4 are part of a family called sirtuins (SIRT1, which helps extend cell life by modulating the number of repair proteins fixing DNA damage both inside and outside the cell's nucleus, is also a member).



1、利用文章中的 Line reference(行号) 进行细节的定位




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