Education of Love 对爱情的教育
2021-02-26 10:10 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心  来自:未知 
导读:In China, the traditional parents believe that it is not suitable for their children to fall in love before they attend university, because it will bring negative effect to their study, so they supervise the kids all the time. Actually, as

In China, the traditional parents believe that it is not suitable for their children to fall in love before they attend university, because it will bring negative effect to their study, so they supervise the kids all the time. Actually, as the world gets globalized and the development of the Internet, kids have their view about love.

Today, the kids have access to all kinds of information. They know the world at the early age and become mature soon. So the traditional parents need to adjust their educational view. It is not reasonable to forbid children from falling in love with someone, because it is human nature to do it. Foreign parents are good at dealing with kids’ emotion problem.

The foreign parents will never say any negative words when their children talk about their emotional problem, instead, they let their kids make their own decision on the basis of guiding them with positive attitude. If parents deny everything all the time, then kids will never have the real talk with them.

It is important for parents to educate their kids to deal with the relationship properly.


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