综合写作 Marsupial 和 placenta 哪种更适应环境? 听力观点: M生出来以后,organ continue to develop, mothers milk protect them from infection M control tem, they lower tem on purpose, 这样可以less energ 13-12-10
听力 Lectures1希腊的coins 不同时期 的不同特征 统治者的头像之类的提到了亚历山大大帝。 2一种由玉米提炼可以取代燃料的e开头的玩意儿。 3 中国的一个洞穴在两种温度带还是气温啥的之间 太阳活动之类的。 口语 第 13-12-09
TOEFL班的托福作文模板,100句常用句型按照托福作文结构组合而成。 作文文套一 A or B Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A m 13-12-09
69)The opinions of celebrities, such as certain entertainer or athletes, are more important for younger people than older people.2012.1.21NA 70)People should follow the ambitious dream or people shoul 13-12-06
2010年 36)In order to become financially responsible adults, children should manage their own money at the young age.2010.1.15NA 37)Most of environmental issues are too complicated, so individuals can 13-12-06
(1)此预测针对11月2日、11月9日、11月17日、11月23日、11月24日考试日。 (2)预测内容涉及到了教育、人生、媒体、经济、科学、政府、名人、年轻人、成功、商业等诸多话题,题目中或对单一话题进行设问,或结合进行。 13-12-06
Its bad enough when the toilet gets clogged at home; it could be a lot more serious in space, especially with visitors on the way. NASA said Wednesday that the liquid waste handling function of the to 13-12-06
A leading U.S. newspaper says U.S. President Barack Obama went nearly five years without knowing that his own spies were bugging the phones of world leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, 13-12-06
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