托福听力main idea做题误区
2016-03-15 15:01 | 编辑:川外外语培训中心  来自:未知 
导读:通常我们认为main idea作为lecture和conversation的第一题,应该是肯定要对的。但是事实上我们往往容易错的是第一题。为什么?有什么理由整篇文章都感觉听懂了,居然做错了第一题?我们来看看做题的几个误区: 误区一 从OG的题型分类上大家可以看到main idea属
  通常我们认为main idea作为lecture和conversation的第一题,应该是肯定要对的。但是事实上我们往往容易错的是第一题。为什么?有什么理由整篇文章都感觉听懂了,居然做错了第一题?我们来看看做题的几个误区:
  从OG的题型分类上大家可以看到main idea属于basic comprehension的,包括两种:gist content & gist purpose。我们要先弄清楚这两个之间有什么区别?看看OG的解说:
  n 典型问法:
  Ø What problem does the man have?
  Ø What are the speakers mainly discussing?
  Ø What is the main topic of the lecture?
  Ø What is the lecture mainly about?
  Ø What aspect of X does the professor mainly discuss?
  n 典型问法:
  Ø Why does the student visit the professor?
  Ø Why does the student visit the registrar’s office?
  Ø Why did the professor ask to see the student?
  Ø Why does the professor explain X?
  同学们可能会觉得都是main idea都是主旨,应该没什么区别?举个例子来看看,假如我和A同学start a conversation说,A能不能借100块给我?然后开始七聊八聊恒大踢球赢了,各种兴奋……问目的我们要答的是借钱,问内容我们要答的是恒大。That’s the difference.所以我们在做题的时候要区分清楚what和why。
  不是所有的lecture都要问content,TPO经常是换着来问的What is the main purpose of the lecture?
  12. What is the main purpose of the lecture? (TPO10L2)
  A To describe the trade in food crops between Europe and Americas
  B To describe the introduction of American food crops to Europeans
  C To describe the influence of American food crops on traditional Europeans
  D To describe the difficulties of growing American food crops in European climates
  从上述的OG给出的说法,我们知道main idea有时候会明确给出,有时候比较含蓄,要自己总结归纳。大家心里犯愁了以为听得清楚的,或者反复听到过的内容就一定对了,其实不然。
  例1 why does the man go to see his professor? (OG第二版P157track1)
  A To borrow some charts and graphs from her
  B To ask her to explain some statistical procedures
  C To talk about a report he is writing
  D To discuss a grade he got on a paper
  正解是C,有些同学总是选B,他们分得清楚文章开头没有出现过A/D两项,觉得C概括得太厉害,感觉听到了statistical procedures,其实听到的是:
  S: Uh, excuse me,Professor Thompson. I know your office hours are tomorrow,but was wondering if you had a few minutes free now to discuss something.
  P: Sure,John. What did you want to talk?
  S: Well,I have some quick questions about how to write up the research project I did this semester about climate variations.
  把research project听成procedure了。听错了是硬伤,继续精听!巧的同学是听how to write来判断的,而且没有ask to explain的迹象。
  例2 What is the purpose of the lecture? (TPO1L1)
  A To explain the difference between two artistic styles
  B To describe a new art gallery to the class
  C To introduce an artist’s work to the class
  D To show how artists’ styles can evolve over time
  例3 What is the main purpose of the lecture? (TPO18L3)
  A To explore the use of spices in cooking in the Middle Ages
  B To explain the significance of spices for medieval society
  C To describe how the spice trade evolved in medieval Europe
  D To examine changes in the role that spices played in the Middle Age
  正解B。A讲cooking是细节点,C讲trade是细节点,D更可以排除spices的role没有change,spices change了欧洲人的生活。
  排除以后还可以检验我们不确定的那一项是否一定是正确答案。1 该选项是否带有概括性,是否存在带有summary性质的词,这个词能不能概括整篇文章,还是只能概括其中一个清晰的detail;2 选项有summary是不是有具体的限定成分,限定成分表述往往是有误的。
  例What is the professor mainly discussing? (OG第二版P166track5)
  A The development of motor skills in children
  B How psychologists measure muscle activity in the throat
  C A theory about the relationship between muscle activity and thinking
  D A study on deaf people’s problem-solving techniques
  正解C。A、D没有提过,B项限定成分in the throat,C项有概括性质。


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